Personalised Christening, Baptism or Naming Day candle.
Candle size - 25cm x 7cm
Candle details:
- Baptism, Christening or Naming Day
- Full Name
- Date of Event
- Date of when candle is required
- God Parents names (if applicable)
Please ensure all spelling provided is correct as I will copy and paste this directly into design system.
Please provide the DATE as you wish for it to appear on your item - Example if you wish for it to be in words (22ND FEBRUARY 2022) or in numeric format 22.2.2022.
No designs are sent for your approval prior to printing and shipping your order so please ensue all dates and spelling is correct.
If you would like a design draft, please contact me via to request one.
INSTAGRAM - www.instagram.com/littleindiedesigns
FACEBOOK - www.facebook.com/littleindiedesigns
Turn around times depend on your chosen event date, we work in event order dates. Orders are shipped to you, 2 weeks before your event.
If your item isn't for an event, please leave a date you would prefer to have the item by in the event date field.
Contact us directly if you have an urgent order less than 2 weeks away or a custom order request.